
Hey everyone Golgothus here,

Starting off welcome to the About Me section, happy to have you.

This is a brand new thing for me as I am not typically accustomed to creative writing. Looks like I have finally been lured (or tricked depending on who is asking) into setting up a blog for myself. At least for what it is worth, it will give me a better outlet for some of my material which may not be as technical, what might my non-technical content be? I have no idea, but I am glad you are here for the ride.

My site will primarily contain write-ups and posts on the following:

Also, inclusive of any notes I have taken for my upcoming exams:

This is just a very early sneak peak of things to come. Here is to hoping you will stay for the long-run. For me, the journey has only just begun, we will definitely be looking forward pushing towards the top. Where might that be, well only time will tell.



Last updated