Linux Fundamentals - Part 2

Task 1 - Intro

In this course we'll be going through a walk-thru of Linux Operators and Advanced File Operators, deploy your machine, and let's login!

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Task 2 - SSH - Intro

Quick run thru of SSH. This tool is going to be our main method for connecting to our vulnerable systems on the TryHackMe platform.

ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to provide secure encrypted communications between two un‐trusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections, arbitrary TCP ports and UNIX-domain sockets can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

ssh connects and logs into the specified destination, which may be specified as either [user@]hostname or a URI of the form ssh://[user@]hostname[:port]. The user must prove his/her identity to the remote machine using one of several methods (see below).

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Task 3 - PuTTY and SSH

Run through of PuTTY and SSH.

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Task 4 - "&&"

The parameter && is used to concatenate two sets of commands together, and will only execute the command following the && if the first command returns a value of true.

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Task 5 - "&"

The parameter & will run a job in the background. Usually you are unable to run a command while it takes its time to execute, but putting it in the background using & allows you to run other commands AND execute your command that was put in the background.


# this will run an nmap service scan against our vulnerable TryHackMe box and then output the contents of the scan into a file named thm.txt, all while running it in the background
nmap -sS <vulnerable ip image> > thm.txt &

Task 6 - "$"

We are now taking a look at the $ operator for Linux, this operator refers to environment variables. We are able to create our own environment variables by doing export <varname>=<value> and it will create a correlating variable with its associated value.


chmod <file> <permission>

The first digit controls the permissions for the user that owns the file The second digit controls the permission for a group The third digit controls permissions for everyone that's not a part of the user or group




  • chmod user:group file

  • chmod shiba2:shiba2 test.txt

You can use chown on just a user, and not add a group, example:

  • chown shiba2 file

To recursively operate on every file, use -R


"Hard linking", which completely duplicates the file, and links the duplicate to the original copy. Meaning What ever is done to the created link, is also done to the original file. The ln syntax is:

ln source destination

The syntax for a symbolic link is the exact same, but it uses the -s flag, so to create a symbolic link, you would run:

ln -s <file> <destination>.



  • find dir -user

    • to list every file owned by a specific user;

  • find dir -group

    • you can use find dir -group


Note: You can search multiple files at the same time, meaning you can theoretically do:

grep <string> <file> <file2>

For instance let's say you know have the file name of test1234, but you don't know where it is on the system. find can be used to list every file on the OS, and grep can be used to find the actual file.

find / | grep test1234

find / shiba4 | grep shiba4 > findme.txt


How would I run whoami as user jen? sudo -u jen whoami

How do you list your current sudo privileges(what commands you can run, who you can run them as etc.) sudo -l

adduser | addgroup

dduser <username> addgroup <groupname>

usermod -a -G <groups seperated by commas> <user> Meaning if I wanted to add the user noot to b I would run usermod -a -G b noot.

sudo usermod -a -G test test

Important Files & Directories

/etc/passwd - Stores user information - Often used to see all the users on a system

/etc/shadow - Has all the passwords of these users

Not showing for obvious reasons

/tmp - Every file inside it gets deleted upon shutdown - used for temporary files

/etc/sudoers - Used to control the sudo permissions of every user on the system -

[imgur]( Long to show

/home - The directory where all your downloads, documents etc are. - The equivalent on Windows is C:\Users\<user>

/root - The root user's home directory - The equivilent on Windows is C:\Users\Administrator

Not showing because of spoiler ;)

/usr - Where all your software is installed

/bin and /sbin - Used for system critical files - DO NOT DELETE

Too big to show, but contains all of the basic programs needed for linux to function

/var - The Linux miscellaneous directory, a myriad of processes store data in /var

$PATH - Stores all the binaries you're able to run - same as $PATH on Windows

$PATH is an environment variable that contains all the binaries you're able to execute.


To view a list of all system processes, you have to use the -ef flag

To kill a process, run the following: kill <PID>

Pentest Challenge (with pivot)

  • Reveiewed /etc/passwd

  • Reviewed /etc/shadow

  • Reviewed /var/log

    • Found a log file named test1234, with read permissions for shiba2

  • Logged in to shiba2, read /var/log/test1234

  • Found password for nootnoot, badabing

  • User was in sudoers file, used sudo -i to gain root privs